In preparation
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- A. Doitrand, G. Molnár, Understanding regularized crack initiation through the lens of Finite Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, 249, 12, 2025. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Doitrand, R. Estevez, A. Gravouil, A Review of Characteristic Lengths in the Coupled Criterion Framework and Advanced Fracture Models, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 353, pp. 91-111, 2025. (Download) (Journal)
- M. Sepulveda-Macias, G. Molnár, A. Tanguy, Thermomechanical dissipative behaviour of CuZr metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 636, 123028, 2024. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Doitrand, V. Lazarus, Phase-field simulation and coupled criterion link echelon cracks to internal length in antiplane shear, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 188, 105675, 2024. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- E. Eid, A. Gravouil, G. Molnár, Influence of rate-dependent damage phase-field on the limiting crack-tip velocity in dynamic fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 292, 109620, 2023. (Download) (Journal)
- A. Jaccon, B. Prabel, G. Molnár, J. Bluthé, A. Gravouil, Adaptive mesh refinement and cycle jumps for phase-field fatigue fracture modeling, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 224, 104004, 2023. (Download) (Journal)
- A. Doitrand, D. Leguillon, G. Molnár, V. Lazarus, Revisiting facet nucleation under mixed mode I + III loading with T-stress and mode-dependent fracture properties, International Journal of Fracture, 242, pp. 85–106, 2023. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, N. Blal, Topology optimization of periodic beam lattices using Cosserat elasticity, Computers & Structures, 281, 107037, 2023. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- A. Doitrand, G. Molnár, R. Estevez, A. Gravouil, Strength-based regularization length in phase field fracture, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 124, 103728, 2023. (Download) (Journal)
- A. Saidi, A. Tanguy, M. Fourmeau, G. Molnár, A. Boucherif, D. Machon, Coupling between mechanical stresses and lithium penetration in a lithium ion battery, Mechanics of Materials, 177, 104532, 2023. (Download) (Journal)
- E. Barthel, T. Deschamps, G. Kermouche, C. Martinet, G. Molnár, A. Tanguy, Le verre : fragile ou ductile ? Reflets physique, 74, pp. 46-51, 2022. (Download) (Journal)
- T. Deschamps, C. Martinet, B. Champagnon, G. Molnár, E. Barthel, Memory effect in the plasticity of a silicate glass densified at room temperature, Physical Review B, 105, 224206, 2022. (Download) (Journal)
- E. Djeumen, G. Molnár, N. Tardif, M. Coret, J. Desquines, T. Taurines, M.-C. Baietto, Modeling diffusive phase transformation and fracture in viscoplastic materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 252, 111757, 2022. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Doitrand, A. Jaccon, B. Prabel, A. Gravouil, Thermodynamically consistent linear-gradient damage model in Abaqus, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 266, 108390, 2022. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- A. Doitrand, G. Molnár, D. Leguillon, E. Martin, N. Carrère, Dynamic crack initiation assessment with the coupled criterion, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 93, 104483, 2022. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Doitrand, R. Estevez, A. Gravouil, Toughness or strength? Regularization in phase-field fracture explained by the coupled criterion, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 109, 102736, 2020. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Gravouil, R. Seghir, J. Réthoré, An open-source Abaqus implementation of the phase-field method to study the effect of plasticity on the instantaneous fracture toughness in dynamic crack propagation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 365, 113004, 2020. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- C. Martinet, M. Heili, V. Martinez, G. Kermouche, G. Molnár, N. Shcheblanov, E. Barthel, A. Tanguy, Highlighting the impact of shear strain on the SiO2 glass structure: From experiments to atomistic simulations, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 553, 119898, 2020. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, D. Rodney, P. Dumont, F. Martoïa, Y. Nishiyama, K. Mazeau, L. Orgéas, Cellulose crystals plastify by localized shear, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 115 (28), pp. 7260-7265, 2018. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal) (Commentary) - For the 3D figures in the supplementary file use Adobe Acrobar Reader
- G. Molnár, G. Kermouche, E. Barthel, Plastic response of amorphous silicates, from atomistic simulations to experiments – A general constitutive relation, Mechanics of Materials, 114, pp. 1-8, 2017. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, P. Ganster, A. Tanguy, Effect of composition and pressure on the shear strength of sodium silicate glasses: An atomic scale simulation study, Physical Review E, 95, 043001, 2017. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, A. Gravouil, 2D and 3D Abaqus implementation of a robust staggered phase-field solution for modeling brittle fracture, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 130, pp. 27-38, 2017. (Download) (Supplementary Files) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, P. Ganster, A. Tanguy, E. Barthel, G. Kermouche, Densification dependent yield criteria for sodium silicate glasses – An atomistic simulation approach, Acta Materialia, 111, pp. 129-137, 2016. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, P. Ganster, A. Tanguy, J. Török, G. Kermouche, Transition from ductile to brittle failure of sodium silicate glasses: a numerical study, MRS Advances, 1(24), pp. 1797-1802, 2016. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, P. Ganster, J. Török, A. Tanguy, Sodium effect on static mechanical behavior of MD-modeled sodium silicate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 440, pp. 12-25, 2016. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, M. Ferentzi, Z. Weltsch, G. Szebényi, L. Borbás, I. Bojtár, Fragmentation of wedge loaded tempered structural glass, Glass Structures & Engineering, pp 1-10, 2016. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, I. Bojtár, The effects of the manufacturing inhomogeneities on strength properties of float glass, Mechanics of Materials, 59, pp. 1-13, 2013. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, L.G. Vigh, Gy. Stocker, L. Dunai, Finite Element Analysis of Laminated Structural Glass Plates With Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) Interlayer, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 56(1), pp. 35-42, 2012. (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, L.M. Molnár, I. Bojtár, Multi-Scale Analysis of Structural Glass, Imaging of The Mesostructure, Journal of Material Testers, 21(3-4), pp. 1-14, 2012. (in Hungarian) (Download) (Journal)
- G. Molnár, I. Bojtár, Solution of 1D Finite Element Problems With Explicit Time Integration, Architectonics and Architecture, 40(1), pp. 5-32, 2012. (in Hungarian) (Download) (Journal)
G. Molnár, Multi-scale modelling of structural glass, 2013. (in Hungarian) (Download)